看不懂什麼是1DK、分不清楚什麼是1K、1R 嗎? 別擔心,請來看看這篇文章。
1.日本の公寓 Apartments in Japan
Types of apartment buildings
There are 3 types of apartment buildings in
This type of building is made of wood, or
light steel. It is usually only two stories or less. Walls are thin, and
you can usually hear noise from neighbors' homes.
This type of building tends to have three or more stories, and be made of a
steel framework and reinforced concrete. Rent is typically higher than the
This type of apartment building is also
called 'ikkodate', and is a house on a lease or loan.
(2)隔間的種類 About
different floor plans
Some typical Japanese style floor plans are
outlined below..
see the following examples.
内 容
This type of apartment usually has a
bedroom/kitchen combination, and a bath/toilet combination room. The
average size is 16m2~20m2.
Although the size of the apartment is
almost identical to a 1ROOM, in a 1K the bedroom and kitchen are
A 1DK has a bedroom, and a kitchen/dining room combination. The overall
size is slightly larger than a 1ROOM or 1K.
A 1LDK has a seperated bedroom and
living room. The common size of an apartment of this type is 40m2~60m2.
1SLDK為附有(大至人可走進去的)收納室的房間。A 1SLDK is almost identical to a 1LDK room, except that is has
a large walk-in size closet.
數字為房間的數量、K為廚房、D為餐廚區、L為客廳(起居室),S為儲藏收納室(STORAGE)。依各種組合即可表現出房間的隔間型式。例如: 2SDK、3LK等。
In names of the rooms listed above, the number reperesents the number of
rooms in the apartment. .K means kitchen. D
is dining room, L is living room, and S is storage. Floor plans are
described with different combinations of these. For example, 2SDK is a two
room apartment with dining, kitchen, and large closet space.
Types of flooring
日本有好幾種的地板。Japanese apartments may have one of several types of flooring:
種 類
内 容
畳 Tatami
塌塌米,在柔道中常被使用,屬於典型的日式房間。使用「燈心草」纖維所編製而成。燈心草的香味具有鎮靜效果,可以讓人感到平靜。同時也具有防音性。If you are familiar with Judo, you may have heard of 'tatami'.
It is the traditional type of flooring used in Japan, and is a kinitted mat
made of a plant called Igusa (rush). Igusa is said to have a gentle calming
scent, so tatami rooms are ideal for relaxing in. As an added benifit,
tatami is soundproof!
フローリング Flooring
木質地板。由木板所構成的地板。外觀雖然漂亮整潔,但容易刮傷,且不太具有防音效果。'Flooring' is made of wooden board. Although is tends to look
neat, it scratches easily, and it not soundproof.
クッションフロアCushioned floor
緩衝地板。因為表面被覆著一層塑膠,所以不耐火,但耐水性優越。表面柔軟,用指甲即會造成刮傷。Cushioned floor is floorboard covered in a type of plastic. Since it is
rather soft, it doesn't hold up well in the event of a fire. On the plus
side, it's waterproof.
じゅうたん Carpet
地毯。防音效果高且觸感佳,但日本濕度高,可能要擔心跳蚤的問題。而且很容易弄髒,所以租屋物件通常不會使用地毯。Carpeting is effectively soundproof and, of course, very
comfortable. On the down side, since Japan is so humid, carpet owners need
to be wary of ticks and other bugs breeding in their flooring. Carpet is
also very hard to keep clean. These two reasons are why rental rooms with
carpeting are so rarely found in Japan.
Apartment measurments
There are generally 3 measuring units used to measure apartments in Japan.
單 位
内 容
平方公尺。 Square meter
1坪=約3.3m2, 2畳 1 tsubo=about 3.3m2 or 2 jo
1畳=約1.65m2、0.5坪 1
JO=about 1.65m2、0.5 tsubo
Singing the praises of TATAMI!
In Japan, the most popular types of flooring have always been wood 'flooring'
and tatami mat. As Japan is becoming more modernized (and in becoming so,
more Westernized) more and more people are begining to choose wood flooring
over the traditional tatami. Therefore, the numbers of tatami rooms are
dwindling away.
But recently, there has been alot of talk about the benifits of tatami
flooring! For one, since Tatami insulates heat, a tatami floored room is
cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
Moreover, tatami mats are easier to clean and far more sanitary than carpet.
They are more effectively sound proof than wooden flooring. A Tatami room is
very versatile, and can be used as many rooms in one. For example, you can
use the room as both bedroom (when you lay out your futon) and dining and
living room (when you fold up your futon and set out a table).
So if you have a small apartment without
much space, if you have thin walls, or if you have no air conditioner, tatami
may be the best choice for you. To get the full experience of living in a
Japanese apartment, leave those wooden floors and carpets behind, and do as
the Japanese do. Go tatami!
資料來源: J & F Network